CITY GAMES: ready for city adventure?!

city games

At GPXadventures, our mission is to inspire and get people started on their own adventure. This mainly to start your trip in the “outdoors” well prepared. But sometimes you don’t necessarily have to go far, nor do you always have to go off the beaten path for it. Using city games, for example, you can go on an adventure through a city of your choice (near or far).

City games?! At first glance, it doesn’t seem like the most exciting activity. And admittedly, the outdoor adrenaline junkie will not exactly get hot from this. Yet, even for the seasoned outdoorsman or woman, this can be a fun diversified activity to (re)discover and experience a city.

But honestly. Who really feels like doing those ludicrous tasks in a group accompanied by a guide? We can’t see ourselves doing it. There must be a better way right?

We went to investigate and found a nice website that offers urban adventure all over Western Europe, in several larger cities: Coddy.

And no, not by listening to a guide monologue for 3 hours. But independently with route guidance, an interactive app and activities along the way. And at your own pace!

How do city games work?

Coddy app

Using your smartphone, Coddy offers urban adventures that allow you to discover a city in a fun way. You can explore the city in a team of 2 to 6 players according to the game of your choice.

Each game has different scenarios that take you into a particular role (apocalyptic, medieval, futuristic,…) or universe. During your city adventure, you also learn things about the city.

Thanks to the app on your smartphone, which integrates a map and compass, you pass by all kinds of sights where you have to solve missions and riddle. The answers to these riddles are hidden in the city.

At your own pace

You do this entirely on your own and decide when to go on a city adventure.

The distance, duration, difficulty, etc…. Can be completely determined by your choice of game.

Still a little competitive? Then try to complete the entire course in the shortest possible time. A ranking of all teams of the same game is kept afterwards.

There is also a pause button so you can drink or go to the restroom during your city adventure. You can then resume the game whenever you want.

In which cities are city games available?

Coddy offers city games in countries including: France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Portugal and Switzerland.

The countries with the most available cities are currently France and Belgium. For example, you can book city games in the following Belgian and Dutch cities:

How do I book one of these city games?

You can book a game through Coddy’s website. You will then receive a code valid for a team of up to 6 people (smartphones). Once purchased, you can start your adventure within the 365 days.

When you have chosen your moment, go to the start at the location (you will receive via email) and enter your ticket code via the Coddy app (free download). This code gives you access to the game only once on the day of your choice.

Conclusion: to city game or not?

Are you with family, team building with work, bachelors, school,… out and not everyone feels like going into nature? Then this is definitely a fun urban adventure alternative worth trying!

>> To the Coddy website

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